Tag: Eggs

All Recipes, Breakfast, Poultry

Omelet Quesadilla

This one is a good anytime breakfast, it cooks up fast so if you need something before work/school this is great or if your hosting a brunch a couple of these for people to eat off of would be easy to do and everyone will love them. The Omelet Quesadilla simply wont let you down.

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All Recipes, Breakfast, Poultry

Bagel Quiche Recipe

Time for some breakfast! So my wife decided it was my turn to cook breakfast for everyone so I decided to do something really .. REALLY easy lol, and tastes great on top of that. This one is also very easy to customize to individual tastes so it is easy to please everyone sitting down to eat...

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All Recipes, Breakfast

Breakfast Potato Skins Recipe

Here is another Breakfast/Brunch for you guys. This one is good for either a small intimate breakfast of serving for a large get together. It is quick easy, unique and taste great. Breakfast potato skins is n easy way to mix up that morning menu.

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