Hooters Buffalo Shrimp

Hooters Buffalo Shrimp

Happy hump day guys! Since it is the middle of the week and we are trudging to get through needing a little weekend pick me up I will throw down with something to give you that little bit of a kick today! Let’s make some Hooters Buffalo Shrimp!! Yup an awesome little copy cat recipe for you guys! If you have ever had these you know how great they are and if you haven’t had them it is pretty simple guys, it is deep fried breaded shrimp with freakin’ buffalo sauce!! Whats not to love there? Seriously the biggest problem with these guys is no matter how many you make it just isn’t enough! You will keep coming back and chowing down more and more on them. I would say make these for the family or guests coming over but you know forget that TREAT YOURSELF!! Yes make these turn on some Netflix and just relax you earned it lol.

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Hooters Buffalo Shrimp Recipe
Serves 4
Want an awesome little copycat recipe? I got you covered!
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Total Time
10 min
Total Time
10 min
  1. 20 Jumbo Shrimp
  2. 1 Egg, Beaten
  3. 1 Tbsp. Mustard
  4. 1 tsp. Creole Seasoning
  5. 2 tsp. Onion Powder
  6. Salt
  7. Pepper
  1. 1 Cup Cornmeal
  2. 1 Cup Flour
  3. 2 tsp. Creole Seasoning
  4. Pepper
  5. 1-1/2 Cups Buffalo Sauce
  1. Pre heat oil in a large pot to 350 degrees.
  2. Mix egg with mustard. Place shrimp in a large bowl, coat with spices, egg/mustard mixture and set aside.
  3. Mix all batter ingredients together in a large bowl. Drag shrimp through batter, coating liberally.
  4. Once coated fry shrimp for about 3-4 minutes until cooked all the way through.
  5. Toss cooked shrimp in buffalo sauce to coat nicely.
Adapted from Average Guy Gourmet
Average Guy Gourmet https://www.averageguygourmet.com/

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